vibrodriver 8PHFV PTC

The range

Discover our range of excavator-mounted vibrodrivers

Find all technical data for our excavator-mounted vibrodrivers in the brochure below:

PTC - Brochure vibrofonceurs sur pelle - 2024 - FR (5.89 MB)

PTC - Excavator-mounted vibrodrivers brochure - 2024 - EN (5.89 MB)

vibrodriver 8PHFV PTC


High-frequency vibrodrivers equipped with Variable Moment technology (variable eccentric moment).

➠ Find all technical data about the range in our brochure at the top of this page.
Icone clé
PHFV key points
  • High frequency
  • Variable Moment technology
  • High amplitude
vibrodriver10 PHF PTC


High-frequency vibrodrivers with fixed eccentric moment.

➠ Find soon all technical data about the range in our brochure, which is currently being finalised.
Icone clé
PHF key points
  • High frequency
  • Fixed eccentric moment
  • High amplitude
vibrodriver 7PHF PTC


Standard frequency vibrodrivers with fixed eccentric moment.

➠ Find soon all technical data about the range in our brochure, which is currently being finalised.
Icone clé
PH key points
  • Standard frequency
  • Fixed eccentric moment
  • Low amplitude