
Vibrocompaction or Vibroflottation

The vibrocompaction technique.

vibrolance VL110 PTC


The vibrocompaction mothod is used in granular soils with limited fines content. It uses the vibrolance sustained vibrations to rearrange the soil particles of non-cohesive soils into a denser state.

The action of the vibrator reduces the inter-granular forces between the soil particles, allowing them to move into a more compact configuration.


The 4 stages of vibrocompaction

illustration vibrocompaction



The PTC vibrolance penetrates the soil thanks to its own weight and vibrations emitted by the vibrator.

The penetration is usually assisted by a water jetting system at the tip of the vibrolance. The water reduces the interstitial pressure between the soil particles, thus reducing the friction with the soil.



Once it is deep enough, the vibrolance performs a series of compaction intervals, starting from maximum depth of penetration upwards. During compaction, the vibrolance sustained vibrations agitate the particles and force the soil to rearrange to a denser state of compaction. The compacted soil forms a cylinder around the vibrolance.

Side water jetting may be used to facilitate the extraction of the vibrolance when the penetration depth exceeds 20m.



The densification of the soil lowers the surface level and forms a crater at the top of the vibrolance insertion point. This gap is backfilled during the compaction process, either with imported or in-situ materials, which are added to the vibrolance insertion point.

The compaction and backfilling process are repeated until the vibrolance reaches the surface and is completely extracted from the ground.



When the vibrolance reaches the surface, the compacted ground has a cylindrical shape from the bottom to the top of the vibrolance insertion point.
The vibrolance will be re-inserted in the ground at the next spot of the compaction grid, until the treated soil reaches the degree of compaction required.
The compaction of the soil causes a decrease of the volume of up to 10%.

Vibcorder monitoring system

The Vibcorder is the recommended monitoring system for all PTC's vibrolances and stone columns rigs. It monitors in real time a variety of working parameters allowing  to be sure to comply with the jobsite's requirements.


Real-time measures

  • Soil Compaction, through the reading of the vibrolance pressure
  • Depth of the vibrolance (in meters)
  • Verticality of the vibrolance

Les avantages

Le système Vibcorder Monitoring permet d'afficher des informations suivantes en temps réel :
- Compactage du sol, à travers la lecture de la pression de la Vibrolance
- Profondeur de la Vibrolance (en mètres)
- Verticalité de la Vibrolance